Marc and his team are ready for you!


Different and PERSONAL APPROach

To start a business and establish yourself in Dubai, several things need to be arranged and in the right order! Consider visas, ID card, driver’s license, Bank accounts, health insurance, housing, possible startup website or web shop, social media campaigns, SEO and SEA. Before everything is arranged and your business is active, there are many things to be arranged. As a Business Coach with extensive knowledge and experience, I will arrange the COMPLETE BUSINESS SET-UP in Dubai together with my team of specialists.

After an initial meeting, we will discuss what your plans are in Dubai and what needs to be arranged. We will then come up with an offer on short notice to arrange all matters quickly and properly. Also, any questions that arise along the way or help and advice you need will be taken care of by the Business Set-up team. More information about rules and government matters you can check-out this link.

which I myself have run into

As an experienced entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in setting up, reorganizing and managing various businesses, I landed in Dubai. New country, new opportunities, many possibilities in a top economic climate! But certain things, such as visas, ID, banks, government agencies, healthcare, housing and all related laws and regulations often work very differently in Dubai. Also certain habits of the Emirates are often new to expats. As a Business Coach, I teamed up with the best experts in Business Set-up, with whom I had the best experiences myself, and we started working together. We did this in order to give you, the client, the very best service and a complete package.

So everything under 1 roof, Marc as a point of contact. Clear, convenient, fast and the best results that matter in the end! We work smart, efficient and according to the disciplined European entrepreneurial mentality. You just get an open and honest advice and support from me. Personally, I like open and direct communication and quick response and action. In other words, the true entrepreneurial approach! So it will be a carefree Business Set-up for you in Dubai! Contact Marc for an appointment.

Business Set-up Dubai

Complete business Set-up

Almost all of us are of European origin and all experienced entrepreneurs, who understand that time is money and business needs to be well organized and taken care of. Business Set-up through Web & Business Support works quickly, clearly and Marc is your permanent contact, man of the appointments! Get in touch and we will take care of it!

My Top Team of mostly European Entrepreneurs and Specialists are ready for you!